Why Attend?
Any industry needs to convert its process and operations smartly. Fourth Industrial Revolution needs all types of enterprises (Large, Medium, & Small Industries) digitizing their operations and adapting smarter processes.
This conference will explore process & service industries (Power, Oil, Logistics, Metal, Engineering and others) to manage the shift towards fourth industrial revolution. The attendees will have the opportunity to exchange experience and to develop new knowledge.
Economists, HR and Executives will also benefit from this conference due to the new development of work environment and control of digital operations that have changed the relationship between human to machine.
Private sectors and Organizations should present at this conference due to the role of innovation required by their businesses. This conference will be a good source of ideas and experience to share among others. Large enterprises and Governmental Organizations will find many opportunities by participating and sponsoring this conference. Technology companies should attend this conference to present their services and share its experiences. It will be good opportunities to meet with different type of business segments in one traffic hub exploring needs and required capabilities.