The conference will have two main objectives to outreach. Firstly, it will discuss the impact of transition to Fourth Industrial Revolution
on Ecosystem, Infrastructure, Efficiency and Competitiveness of industrial operation in general. We will investigate the macro needs
to adapt smart operation in terms of changing connectivity, education and business practices. We will also explore the impact of
augmented reality, robotics, IOT and artificial intelligent on value chain support and optimization.
The second objective will investigate operational changes of Industry 4.0 on certain industries and how Oil Industry is emerging
into smart operation in terms of monitoring and controlling data. Large seismic data combined with innovative analytic system
have improved exploration efficiency. Data set analysis and sensing have improved drilling safety, equipment failures, geological
information and accuracy. Augmented reality is helping training and enhancing practical experience. In this conference, we will
explore more involvements of innovative technologies that are positively changing exploration, oil production and refining industries.
The conference will discuss how Power Industries can be changed. Power generation will shift gradually from supplier to consumer.
It will enhance maintenance management and real time performance. It will optimize asset utilization and integrate lifecycle. Artificial
intelligent will provide decision support system and give better predictive analysis; where 3-D printing will emerge as new source of
spare parts that manufactures need to explore.
At this conference, we will identify solutions to improve Logistics Industries efficiency (filling returned empty containers, reduce
fuel consumption, optimize labor intensive handling). We will also understand the impact of Industry 4.0 on optimizing logistic
operations and delivery capabilities exploring real applications of advanced self-driving systems of loading and distribution in
addition to increased accuracy & reduced labor intensity. During the conference, we will study types of smart methods of monitoring
and operating engineering activities. The conference also examines how Industry 4.0 will improve its resource planning (ERP),
estimation, market place and analysis. The conference will explore engineering practices and how to enhance management of
design, scheduling, procurement, quality, control, documentation and safety by utilizing industry 4.0. We will share upstream and
downstream experiences of applying Industry 4.0 on metal industries and will discuss impacts of automation, robotics and smart
sensing on improving production and accuracy. The conference will also discuss on how digital system is enabling workers to
communicate, share experience and develop skills. During this event, there will be discussions on how to increase control, safety
and security by integrating system smartly. We also will investigate how artificial intelligence and data analysis will improve decisions
of outsourcing, operation efficiency and networking.